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Organic Oat Groats


Organic Oat Groats are whole oat kernels with the husks removed. They are hearty, chewy and have a nutty flavour and aroma. These Oat Groats are certified organic and Australian grown.

Organic Oat Groats are high in fibre, complex carbohydrates and protein. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin B, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and copper. Oat groats may assist with lowering blood pressure, sustaining energy, improving immune system, healthy digestion, reducing bad cholesterol and preventing the onset of diabetes. 

Oat Groats are a versatile grain that can be used to make traditional porridge. It can also be used in savoury and sweet cooking either as a wholegrain or ground into a flour. Oat Groats need to be soaked and need a longer cooking time than rolled oats. 

Organic Oat Groats will Sprout. NOTE: Sprout ability is subject to the quality of each batch.

We recommend storing them well sealed in the fridge.

Certified Organic: ACO

Country of Origin: Australia

NOTE: Oats contain gluten. May contain traces of nuts, peanuts, pollen and other allergens.

Santos Organics is not your average grocery store; it's a not-for-profit social enterprise and environmental charity. Since 1978, we've pioneered the organic wholefood movement. Our stores serve as community hubs where people connect with our team and fellow community members, sharing a journey toward optimal health and wellness. The palpable sense of community forms part of the social and cultural fabric of the Byron Shire and Northern Rivers. Employing over 70 passionate locals, we support hundreds of local farmers, makers, and artisans, promoting the local economy, building community resilience, and strengthening the local food system. Approximately 75% of the food on our shelves is locally grown, produced, or supplied, nurturing interconnectedness and supporting those passionate about clean, wholesome food and sustainable living.

Santos Organics makes conscious shopping easy by sourcing the best organic food and natural lifestyle products. We invest in ethics research through a dedicated Ethics Specialist position, ensuring our products meet rigorous standards before reaching our shelves. Our Care Check process aligns products with our social impact and environmental goals, providing customers with confidence in their purchases. Our commitment to ethical product procurement extends to partnerships with local farmers through initiatives like the Grow the Growers Project. This project helps local farmers establish pathways to the organic retail market, making fresh, locally grown organic food more available and affordable. By incorporating supply agreements and mutual marketing support, we foster connections between customers and the farmers behind their food.

Santos Organics significantly impacts the local community and economy. Over the last three years, our investments in local employment, goods from local suppliers and distributors, rent, and hiring local tradespeople have retained over $26 million within the Northern Rivers. In the past year alone, $5.3 million was circulated back into the local economy through these efforts, supporting over 100 Northern Rivers-based suppliers and distributors. This investment sustains our community's vitality and unique culture. Employing over 70 local team members ensures money stays within the local economy, enhancing opportunities for community interaction and support. Our local suppliers share our vision of promoting creative, sustainable, and healthy product development, strengthening the reputation of the Byron Bay region as a hub for innovation and sustainability.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Georgii Lazarev

Quality of the oat groats vary in every of previous my orders. I check every kernel before using them and I sort out black moldy groats. Current and previous order is not to my satisfaction as the mold is visible on almost every groat. Previous my order was of bad quality as the black groats were significant in amount. The current order bit better but still dark mold covers almost every individual groat. I strongly recommend to control and to improve the quality of your oat groats. For example you can employ infrared sorting machine to sort out dark and molded groats. I worked 3 years in Stored Grain Research laboratory and I know thar the sorting machine can significantly improve the quality of the grain and dimmish the content of molded kernels in the bulk grain.

Marc Bell
Very VERY Good Product

I now grind my own oats with these fab groats. The porridge is the best porridge I have had, oh so smooth. 5/5 Highly recommended.

Dr James E Last
Organic Oat Groats

This is my first time trying oat groats.
They are truly amazing. So wholesome!
Excellent service and delivery from Santos.