Organic Oat Groats
Organic Oat Groats are whole oat kernels with the husks removed. They are hearty, chewy and have a nutty flavour and aroma. These Oat Groats are certified organic and Australian grown.
Organic Oat Groats are high in fibre, complex carbohydrates and protein. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin B, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and copper. Oat groats may assist with lowering blood pressure, sustaining energy, improving immune system, healthy digestion, reducing bad cholesterol and preventing the onset of diabetes.
Oat Groats are a versatile grain that can be used to make traditional porridge. It can also be used in savoury and sweet cooking either as a wholegrain or ground into a flour. Oat Groats need to be soaked and need a longer cooking time than rolled oats.
Organic Oat Groats will Sprout. NOTE: Sprout ability is subject to the quality of each batch.
We recommend storing them well sealed in the fridge.
Certified Organic: ACO
Country of Origin: Australia
NOTE: Oats contain gluten. May contain traces of nuts, peanuts, pollen and other allergens.