Support Local, Build Community
At Santos Organics, we're passionate about cultivating a thriving local economy and strengthening our community bonds. Join us in this journey of conscious, sustainable living.
Rooted in Community
Our love for supporting our local community began when Santos Organics first started trading in bulk foods and fresh produce out of the back of a ute in the late 70s, with everything sourced from local farmers and producers.
Ethical Practices
As our business grew over the years, we have continued to choose local first and our Ethics team and Santos Organics Care Check ensures that we firstly support our local businesses, growers and producers, and product manufacturers before sourcing anything from further afield and keep our product miles as low as possible.
Environmental Non-for profit
As both a retail store and, more recently, also a Not-for-Profit Social & Environmental Enterprise, we have been inspired by Local Futures and their film “The Economics of Happiness” to see how we can play a bigger part in building a stronger localised economy to better support our community.
Local Futures describe themselves as “an international non-profit organisation dedicated to renewing ecological and social wellbeing by strengthening communities and local economies world wide”. Their award-winning film, The Economics of Happiness is described on their website as a film which “sets out the social, spiritual and ecological costs of today’s global economy while highlighting the multiple benefits of economic localisation.” It is truly an amazing and awe-inspiring film.
Moving Forward
We wholeheartedly agree with Local Futures that “Localisation is the best way to repair our ecosystems, our societies and ourselves” and for us as a wholefoods store, it is much clearer and easier to see how building a strong local economy can directly reduce our carbon footprint and help everyone around us, where money continually recirculates and builds community prosperity along the way.
Since Dec 2016 we've donated over $345,000
Since becoming a Not-for-Profit Social & Environmental Enterprise in late 2016, we have been able to donate a large portion of our revenue to a number of local charitable organisations with the support of our wonderful customers.
- See HERE for more information on the local organisations we proudly support.
Supporting Local Growers
In recent years, we have considered more ways in which we can support our local farming community and have worked with several local projects to achieve this goal. We have a few localisation and community resilience projects in the pipeline working more closely with local organic farmers to ensure food security all year round. We believe that this is an important step towards further reducing our environmental footprint and ensuring the longevity of our resources as a community.
- See HERE for more information on how we are supporting local growers.
Here are a few useful links to find out more about our localisation programme
- How we support local growers
- Want to supply Santos Organics with your FRESH PRODUCE?
- Want to supply Santos Organics with your PRODUCT?
- Are you a local business? Apply for our Local Business Discount HERE.