Applications for funding now open!

Santos Organics is proud to provide clean, fresh and organic produce to our customers. We continue to believe that certification is essential in ensuring that the produce we sell has been grown in accordance with organic principles and our values.
We support existing Certified Organic farmers while also encouraging local farmers on the journey to full certification through our Tiered system:
- Tier 1 - Certified Organic - first preference
- Tier 2 - Certified Organic In-conversion - second preference and introduced only if Tier 1 produce is unavailable or availability is limited (not meeting demand)
In line with our aim to increase the number of organic farmers in the region overall, we support in-conversion farms and those who wish to initiate the in-conversion process but who face obstacles in doing so.
Since 2023, the Grow the Growers project has supported the following farms on their journey to certified organic:
- Pepe Fassos of Five Sixty Farms in Lismore: Pepe produces microgreens and a range of annual vegetables.
- Dave Warne of Green Cauldron Farm in Tyalgum: Dave offers a fantastic range of annual vegetables.
- Tom and Nicole of Misty Creek Agroforestry in Booyong: Tom and Nicole farm with syntropic agroforestry to mimic the natural structure of the rainforest for food production.
- Andrew Cameron of Fig Rock Farm in Burringbar: Andrew is currently regenerating a large avocado orchard.
- Karen Gross of The Paddock in Mullumbimby: Karen uses syntropic farming, has market gardens, and offers NDIS programs on her inclusive farm.
- John Quayle of Mariefields Organic Farmstay in Pumpenbil: John has mango and pomegranate plantations, as well as Manuka honey.
- Simon Schaffer of Macaco Agroforestry in Wollongbar: Simon uses successional agroforestry to grow taro, cassava, bananas and pumpkin.
- Margi Carter of Margi's Fruit in Mullumbimby: Margi has a fantastic range of fruit trees in her large orchard.
Felipe Bergamo of Aysu in Stokers Siding: Felipe has extensive syntropic beds growing a range of root vegetables, annual vegetables and fruits, and herbs.
Kim and Kristopher Kupsch of Plumtree Pocket Enterprises in Upper Burringbar: Kim and Kristopher are regenerative farmers with an interest in syntropic and agroforestry farming methods. Their large stands of Davidson Plum (Ooray) are surrounded by a huge diversity of native forest and bush food species.
Julia Bolam and Taylor Jamieson of Roseberry Growers at Roseberry Creek: Julia and Taylor grow a range of annuals in their market garden, specialising in root vegetables.
- Theme Rains of Earth Rising in Federal: Theme, along with partner Christopher and team, grow a range of annual vegetables, flowers and herbs using regenerative and syntropic farming methods.
- Zoe Walsh of Market on Manse in Myocum: Zoe, along with mentor Thomas Mack, grow annual vegetables, fruit, and flowers using regenerative methods based on permaculture principles.
- Prisca du Ressac of Star Nature in Coorabell: Following permaculture principles, Prisca grows annual vegetables, fruit, and flowers on her farm.

In our effort to maximise supply from Northern Rivers farmers and to increase food security in our region, we will continue to work with farmers and key stakeholders to find the best solutions to increase our supply of local produce grown using certified organic practices that will become sustainable not only for Santos Organics, but for the whole community! See an overview of the project in this Echo article.