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Local Farmer Profile - Kim & Kristopher Kupsch from Plumtree Pocket

Local Farmer Profile - Kim & Kristopher Kupsch from Plumtree Pocket

Can you introduce yourself to our Santos Organics Community?

Plumtree Pocket Enterprises is a family farming business located in Upper Burringbar. It was first established as Ooray Orchards in 1999. In 1992 Kristopher began regenerating sections of the property's remnant forest and developed an interest in local rare and endangered Rainforest species. Davidson Plums (also called Ooray after the name used by North Queensland First Nations people) became his favourite plant and he ended up growing them by many thousands. The farm has an expansive Botanic Gardens that is continually being developed by way of an onsite plant nursery.   

The family approach each seasonal fruit harvest with enthusiasm and are dedicated to sustainability. Through battling the complexities of harvest and managing pests they have continually adapted and developed specific procedures to produce a variety of native bush foods without synthetic chemicals. Their vision is to diversify the farms productivity while enhancing local biodiversity and sharing the passion with others.

Do you have a star crop?

Davidson Plums, specifically Davidsonia pruriens and Davidsonia jerseyana.

Apart from being organic, what other alternative methods of farming do you use? ⁠

Regenerative farming with an interest in syntropic and agroforestry systems.

What do you love about farming?

Connecting with nature and the food that is produced. It is also pleasing to provide quality products that are valued by the consumer. Having a connection with family and community.

Can you share one of your favourite ways to use something you grow for good health or healthy living?

Smoothies and sprinkle over food such as fruit, avocado, a savoury seasoning, and sweets such raw food bars, brownies and biscuits.