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What is Ormus? - Santos Organics

What is Ormus? | Alkaline Mineral Supplement Explained

ORMUS is a beneficial alkaline mineral supplement that supports good health/wellness and an ability to get in-touch with yourself. Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, also known as ORMEs and the terms ORMUS and M-state materials, exist naturally.

They are trapped in the molecular structure of plants and in certain rich volcanic soil, and are abundant in the oceans of our planet. When Earth’s soils were washed into the oceans millions of years ago, the seawaters became full of powerful minerals. Ever wondered what a giant seaweed that floats around in the ocean uses to nourish itself? And, it grows many metres every day! ORMUS is harvest from the pristine clean Australian sea off the north coast of New South Wales.

Raising the pH to a particular alkaline level which reduces the sodium content and allows the amazing m-state minerals to ‘drop out’. These are believed to be precious-metal elements in a non-metallic spin state, a different state of matter. These substances are thought to be superconductors (allow clearer cell-to-cell communication) because high-spin atoms can pass energy from one to the next with no net loss of energy. Minerals are indispensable to life in all its forms.

Minerals and trace elements play an important role for humans: among other roles they assist in transmission of nerve impulses; balancing other elements to maintain a healthy immune system; assisting in biological processes by exchanging energy through the exchange of electrons.

A great way to describe a deficiency of minerals within the body is when a cell has not been programmed well through lack of essential nutrients, that cell will simply continue to exist but without fulfilling its proper role. The cell is alive but it just doesn’t know what to do. Many cells, in one area, not knowing their role is disastrous.

They may eventually form a tumour that could become cancerous! Also, when our body can’t produce new cells (because of a deficiency of minerals) we age prematurely or develop other diseases. Minerals also have an alkaline balancing effect on the body. This serves to protect against acids and protects our immune system. Acidosis causes much deterioration to the body and can be the source of ageing, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and degenerative diseases.

This we don’t want! If we have the full compliment of minerals in our bodies, our immune system can do its job of keeping us healthy. However…and this is where it gets interesting. We are not just talking about all the important minerals on the periodic table. The recent re-discovery of these M-state elements is cutting-edge science. Research is still in its infancy and therefore health claims must not be made.

It has been described as a new chapter in physics, chemistry and biology. Scientific research has stated that a number of precious metals including rhodium, iridium, gold, platinum, palladium, copper and several others, can exist in a completely different state – a high-spin state where the nucleus of the atom becomes elongated and therefore spins faster.

We want these super-conductive sea minerals in our bodies for total body HEALTH !!

Monoatomic Marine Minerals are sourced from pristine, pure, clean sea water off the north coast of New South Wales, Australia. These minerals are at the cutting edge of mineral health science today.

These powerful super-conductive minerals are only collected before a full-moon on an incoming tide as the waters flow over the vast kelp beds that also flourish from these minerals.

The unique restorative properties of these minerals make them ideal for use in natural skincare. Trace minerals and ORMUS minerals are vital for our good health and are essential to the nutrition of humans, animals and plants.

Over thousands of years our soils have become mineral-depleted, so our food is often lacking. Super Sea Minerals harvest/extract these important minerals directly from the sea and prepare them carefully in the beautiful mid-north coastal town of Bellingen, in a highly alkaline available form for you.

Purchase ORMUS via our Online Shop 

This information was taken with permission from Natalia Cowling's website, for more information about ORMUS visit her website: