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What inspired you to become a naturopath, and how did your journey lead you to Santos Organics?

I'd have to say that my Saturn return had a lot to do with it! I hit 28 and realised I wanted to go back to uni and study something I was passionate about. In the process of figuring out what that was, I kept coming back to food. How much I loved eating, cooking, feeding people and using it to promote the healthy and naturally inspired lifestyle I was creating for myself. So I started studying nutritional medicine, but after 6 months I realised I wanted to learn about the herbs too. Studying the human body was fascinating and I was intrigued to learn how plants can be used as medicine, for healing and support.

hat are your credentials, and how long have you been practicing naturopathy?

I'm a Bachelor qualified Naturopath and have been practicing for 6 years.

Which modalities do you use in your practice?

I call on the support of many different tools in my practice, depending on the unique needs of the individual. Some include:
  • Herbal medicine
  • Food as medicine advice and written plans with tailored recipes
  • Scent therapy
  • Flower essence therapy
  • Counselling

What areas of naturopathy do you specialise in, and how do you apply your expertise to support well-being?

The health conversations I have with folk are so varied! I'm quite finely tuned to finding out what the best form of support might be for the person I'm speaking with. Sometimes it's correcting nutritional deficiencies to provide more energy, reduce inflammation or support happy hormones. It may be offering a herbal tonic to promote healthy sleep patterns, or a flower essence for emotional challenges, or even scent therapy for a grieving heart. It's a unique process completely tailored to the individual and it always, always, involves a discussion about their food and lifestyle habits.  

What holistic approach do you use to promote overall wellness?

I really love listening and tuning in to the person and their individual needs, and I tend to the therapeutic relationship with a person centred approach. I'm big on advocating dietary and lifestyle adaptations to support long-term and sustainable change. I specialise in interpreting the body's messages and requests for support. Helping to reconnect and create balance between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies using herbal medicine, food as medicine, mindfulness, functional testing, narrative therapy, ritual, scent therapy and energetic medicine like flower essences.