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Wild Laundry Powder

1kg of powder

Caitlin Weatherstone

Wild Laundry Powder

Plastic Free July is here, and we're looking into a range of ways we can make our own cleaning products using bulk items, to avoid those pesky plastics! Here is a recipe for laundry powder that you can make yourself, for use in machine washing.

Ingredients :

500g Bicarbonate of Soda
300g Washing Soda (you can make this using bicarbonate of soda)
200g Borax
1 bar of Lemon Myrtle Soap (grated)
10 drops Essential Oils (Eucalyptus and Lemon Myrtle)


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Stir until there are no more lumps. Funnel into containers. Take care not to inhale powder (you may wish to wear a mask).


Use 1 Tbsp per laundry load. Keep in a dry place and away from children. For stubborn stains, make a paste out of equal parts bicarb soda and vinegar. To remove smells (e.g. underarms), spray with vinegar & water (50:50 ratio) before placing in the wash.

Recipe provided by Caitlin Weatherstone (B. App.Sc; M. App.Sc) of Wild Search Australia / @wildsearch