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Local Farmer Profile - Pepe Fassos from 560 Farms

Local Farmer Profile - Pepe Fassos from 560 Farms

Can you introduce yourself to our Santos Organics Community?

Hey !!...I'm Pepe from Five Sixty Farms. I'm a father of 8 home-schooled kids and married to the amazing Jacqui.  We love the earth we are blessed to caretake and see the plants respond with utmost happiness.  

What are you currently growing on your farm and will be stocking Santos Organics with?

We are a Certified organic (in-conversion) Micro Farm in Lismore specialising in microgreens, edible flowers, bunched herbs and greens, and plenty of seasonal vegetables.

Do you have a star crop?

We specialise and are proud to say our star crop is a huge variety of microgreens.  We offer medicinal, colourful & confetti style single and mixed varieties.  

Apart from being certified organic, what other alternative methods of farming do you use? ⁠

Farming is our passion as we strive to live a fresh and chemical free lifestyle. Our European heritage of organic growing has been passed down the family line and we are honoured to be able to share our story and products with the local community.  

Can you share one of your favourite ways to use something you grow for good health or healthy living?

Microgreens are fast becoming known for not just their intense flavours but also their superior nutritional benefits. A true superfood that when grown organically offer you the highest levels of inner wellness. Microgreens are versatile. They can be used on their own, in smoothies, salads, and even hot meals as an extra flavour hit. They even give you the feeling that you are a professional chef when used as a nutritional garnish!