Time To Ditch Artificially Fragranced Products
Time To Ditch Artificially Fragranced Home & Personal Care Products - Here Is Why
“In urban areas, emissions from consumer goods such as paint, cleaning supplies and personal care products now contribute as much to ozone and fine particulate matter in the atmosphere as do emissions from burning gasoline or diesel fuel.” states study co-author Brian McDonald in a recent research document. We imagine everyone has, at one point or another, felt concerned as they’ve seen a big ball of black smoke burst out of the exhaust of a stalling truck. It’s a sight we all wish we didn’t have to see, but it is sadly part of our reality. What a lot of us probably haven’t felt is this same disappointment in our consumer and environmental protection laws when we get a waft of someone’s deodorant, cleaning spray or air-freshener as it blows past our nostrils.
VOC’s From Everyday Products Greater Than Gasoline & Diesel Emissions
VOC’s are Volatile Organic Compounds and are found to be a major contributing factor to the production of ozone, a common air pollutant that has been proven to be a public health hazard. Well, people we are sorry to inform you but a recent publication at Science News reveals that “everyday products were responsible for 38 percent of the VOC emissions, the researchers found, while gasoline and diesel emissions accounted for only 32 percent”.
High Ozone Bad For Our Health
When ozone is high, usually in the summer months, health officials recommend that those with asthma, respiratory conditions, the young and old are cautious with outdoor activity due to the dangerous effects that excess amounts of ozone can have upon their health and well being. So the impact personal and home care products are having on the environmental and our health is the same, if not worse than the impact all our cars. Hard to believe right? We felt the same way, but the research proves the case. How can this be you would ask!? The lack of restrictions and regulations on the fragrance industry is raising the alarm for researchers. To go really deep into it get yourself a copy of ‘The Case Against Fragrance’ by Kate Grenville. It is an eye opening and challenging read!
Thankfully, the Solutions Are Already Here
It’s a real cause of concern but as increased attention is coming to this health and environmental impact, we are confident those doing the right thing (i.e. all our chosen producers!) will be able to grow their business - because they already provide products that do not harm us or the environment! Thank goodness for them and their awareness.
We Do the research so you don’t have to
Here at Santos Organics we do not stock any products containing toxic additives or ingredients such as synthetic chemicals, petrochemicals, parabens, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. It’s just one of our Ethical Purchasing Guidelines that direct our decisions and ensure the products you buy do not harm you or the beautiful earth. Beyond this all cleaning products stocked by us are readily biodegradable (in accordance with Australian Standard AS4351). So cleaning your home can be a peaceful and enjoyable exercise.
100% Not-for-Profit Environmental Organisation
As an Environmental Organisation we make sure our choices minimise the impact we collectively have on this beautiful earth. Our Ethics Researcher ensures our choices are diligent, responsible and have your health, and that of the earth as the top priority. We’ve been in the ethical business game for over 45 years and are proudly the name that thousands of consumers trust every year. Thanks for your ongoing support Australia!