Banana Saffron Cassava Protein Pancakes
Indulge in the irresistible harmony of banana, saffron, and cassava in every bite of these delectable pancakes.
As the world is moving through the unprecedented times of COVID-19, immune health is a hot topic on everyones lips. Lot's of information is circling around about 'do's and don't's', so we wanted to provide you with some advice from our in-store Naturopaths Tanya and Emma on how to best take care of your health and wellbeing, to support your immune system naturally so you avoid catching various seasonal illnesses.
Nutrient deficiency is one of the most common causes of a decreased immune system, so making sure you are consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables also warming herbs and spices. Ginger, turmeric and garlic are a great start. Some important nutrients for immune health are vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins, iron and betacarotene.
Other general measures to improve immunity are sleep, adequate fresh air, sunshine and drinking plenty of fluids such as clean water and herbal teas and broths.
Herbal medicines can also have antibacterial, antiviral and immune enhancing effects, and herbs such as Echinacea, Andrographis, Licorice, Ginger, Elderberry and medicinal mushrooms can all play a key role in boosting your immune system naturally.
A most extraordinary feature of herbs are their incredible versatility. Herbal medicine may be utilised for such a wide range of ailments. One way that herbs are categorised is by the major systems of the body where they are most effective. In relation to the immune system there is a class of herbs called immune enhancers. Immune enhancers have the ability to literally enhance the function of our immune system.
The main immune enhancers utilised in the western herbal pharmacopeia are:
While not being classified as literal immune enhancers there are numerous other herbs that are effective for the enhancement and treatment of the immune system including thyme, myrrh, licorice, Korean ginseng, Siberan ginseng, pelagonium, withania and reishi, shiitake, and coryceps mushrooms.
Our in-store Naturopaths can make you up an individualised herbal immune tonic, or prescribe any of the above nutrients or teas to support you during these challenging times.